Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dear Addison,

Here is more correspondence...

Thanks so much for the reply. I really appreciate your advice. It is a little devastating, however, to hear about my photos since I literally just had new headshots taken. I used XXXX, who often responds to XXXX headshot posts, because XXXX was in NYC when I needed them taken. I am disappointed too, since it was a big investment. I am anxious to get into a class but there are so many that I do not know which would be a good first class to take. It is all a little overwhelming. Thank you for taking the time to get back to me, it is nice to know I have someone who will give me honest answers.


Yes, unfortunately the pictures are not good. The reality of boards like these is that you will get some good advice from people who are genuinely trying to help. But, you will also get some unscrupulous people who take advantage of people. 

Here is a list of some of the photographers I refer to:

Brian Parillo
Dana Patrick
Esther Szeznie
Mark Atteberry
Maya Adrabi
Mikel Healey
Paul Landry
Paul Smith
Rob Mainord

What you have to remember in regards to photos is that, commercially speaking, our submissions are all electronic. You have to make sure whoever is shooting you is able to do so for that medium. It is "easy" to take a shot that you can make work in an 8 x 10 form, but when the photos are viewed online in a 1" x 2" rectangle...

And here is a partial list of casting director workshops:

Chris Game
Craig Colvin
Danielle Eskinazi
Francene Selkirk
James Levine
Killian McHugh
Mariko Ballentine
Renita Whited
Robert Martin

I know there are some names that I am missing, but these lists are a good place to start. All of these people, and I do mean all of them are reputable.

Hope that helps a little more.

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